Sunday, October 31, 2010

Smart Defragmenter removal information

Complex traps have been invented by rascals  to have users engaged into the trickery. For instance, a double introduction method is applied to drop   trialware of the infection explained here.
According to that technique, a users needs to initiate the trickery uploading attraction that hides trojan. The attraction may be represented by whatever you can imagine, from free electronic book to illegal copy of software. The trojan hidden behind either generates alerts suggesting to upload system defragmenter utility or detects a security vulnerabilities and then exploit them to inject the rogue without user’s participation. Thus, the first stage is introduction of trojan-dropper and the second stage is introduction of the adware. Hence removal of Smart Defragmenter fake system utility adware only will result in restoration of the adware by its trojan. Get rid of Smart Defragmenter popups trickery completely and at once using free scanner available here

Smart Defragmenter screenshot:

Smart Defragmenter removal tool:

Smart Defragmenter manual removal guide:
Delete  Smart Defragmenter files:
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Smart Defragmenter
%UserProfile%\Desktop\Smart Defragmenter.lnk
Delete  Smart Defragmenter registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ""
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "winsp2up.exe"

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Remove W32.Sieeg Safely from Every Infected Executable

Files with exe extensions make the main target for this virus. The infection, being a virus, needs infected files to be started, in order to start functioning. So far, commercial interest has not been found to be in any way associated with the infection, but it is quite destructive. Removal of W32.Sieeg from infected file is a quite precise procedure and require from its performer relevant skills and abilities, whether it is a program or machine that extracts and destroys it. Click here to apply hi-tech free scanner based software to get rid of W32.Sieeg keeping infected files intact.

W32.Sieeg removal tool:

Friday, October 29, 2010

Remove Antivirus Suite 2010 to Protect Useful Software from the Evilware

All the merits presented at the website of the program have bee counterfeited. If that were the issue it would not be so critical. The problem is that Antivirus Suite 2010 (AntivirusSuite 2010) removal is needed, for the program  fight useful programs promising to fight viruses.
In particular, it says that it has blocked the program or some features of it due to so and so infection it has detected. Despite there has been no detection  the act of restricting program functionality is for real.
The adware is propagated with other malware. That makes its extermination insufficient to ensure system cleanup in many occasions. Get rid of Antivirus Suite 2010 and ensure due system disinfection using free scanner based antispyware available for download here.

Antivirus Suite 2010 removal tool:

Antivirus Suite 2010 manual removal guide:
Delete Antivirus Suite 2010 files:
Delete Antivirus Suite 2010 registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download “RunInvalidSignatures” = “1″
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings “ProxyOverride” = ”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings “ProxyServer” = “http=″
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Associations “LowRiskFileTypes” = “.exe”
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesAttachments “SaveZoneInformation” = “1″
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[random]”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[random]”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download “CheckExeSignatures” = “no”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings “ProxyEnable” = “1″

Remove Trojan.Win32.ExeDot.del Regardless of Its Detection Name

Judging by name of Trojan.Win32.ExeDot.del, it is hard to get a clue what kind of trojan is this. However, this name is just one of a dozen of names used by various virus removers to mark the detection. Other detection names indicate  the trojan is a browser hijacker and has a backdoor functionality. Example of aliases for the detection: Trojan:Win32/BHO.AM, Mal/BHO-P (BHO means browser helper object). It is true, the trojan modifies web-browser and re-routes  web-serfing when the browser is used.  Removal of Trojan.Win32.ExeDot.del is also needed to destroy the backdor it applies to remain up-to-date and to receive new tasks. Click here to run free systemn scan and launch  Trojan.Win32.ExeDot.del removal.

Trojan.Win32.ExeDot.del removal tool:

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Remove W32/YahLover.Worm.gen Spread Via Messengers and Drives

Certain messaging applications (Yahoo) and removable and network drives are main carriers for the virus. The rogue is a bearer of quite typical malicious payload as it is focused on connecting to remote computer and system setting modifications. System restore is advisable for the data before the infection introduction is therefore advisable. However, removal of W32/YahLover.Worm.gen by reliable remedy should provide re-adjustment of system settings to safe level. Click here to start free detection of viruses and get rid of W32/YahLover.Worm.gen as  one of the scanner detection  or only one thereat found  and let the remedy suggested fix system security settings lowered by the infection. 

W32/YahLover.Worm.gen removal tool:

Remove Hijacker That Links Users and Rogue Antispyware is a bridge linking user and rogue antispyware. (Antivirus 8) Hijacker infection sustains this bridge. In the wild, it draws users to this website when they launch IE or another browser. The infection mutates promptly in line with discoveries by hackers of more and more flaws to pass by regular firewall. Enhanced protection is requested to prevent the hijacker from infecting computer system. Removal of hijacker will also increase web-navigation speed.
Click here to start free scan and get rid of hijacker, as well as of the adware it supports (if applicable). The remover for hijacker will also ensure due level of further antivirus protection. screenshot: removal tool:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 hijacker removal is a free website, because users watch it when it wants it. That is the appearance, because few users have ever opened it deliberately. The secret is simple: a browser infection. Get rid of browser infection and you will no longer be forced to see this website in your browser.
This website is another home-page for Antivirus Action rogue antispyware. The rogue antispyware is subject to removal just like the hijacker.
Click here to run free scan followed by the removal of hijacker and other, including related, cyber infections. screenshot: removal tool:


How to remove Tazinga Rogue Redirector Tool, and many other unsafe websites make their appearance at user’s monitors thanks to the efforts of the virus in question. The virus promotes several fake products and products of inappropriate quality. Proofs have been obtained recently that the virus facilitate upload of such rogue antispyware tools as Antimalware Doctor and Antivirus Solution Pro 2010. In order to get rid of tazinga redirect virus and ensure deletion of related counterfeits, click here to launch free system scan. The scanner, besides enabling you to detect, and perform  removal of, tazinga virus and related infections, will unveil other security issues, if any, at the computer system it inspects. 

Tazinga remover download:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Win32/Cybot.b easy removal

The infection is spread intensively. Perhaps, social network based frauds are the most efficient tools for its propagation. Win32/Cybot.b removal issues have been reported a challenge, for the virus persists after its deletion is completed, as many of the antivirus tools produce endless detection and removal notifications. The point is that the deletion of the virus needs to perform simultaneously with fixing of relevant vulnerability. Otherwise, re-introduction of the infection would occur.
Click here to run free system scan for malware and viruses and vulnerabilities and get rid of Win32/Cybot.b, as well as other threats, fixing system flaws to protect it from restoration of the parasites. 

Win32/Cybot.b removal tool:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Remove hijacker and related parasites

Before visiting this website, consider the possible consequences such as hijacker and adware infections. However, the former is rather a reason of your redirection to this page and the warning may sound strange, for most of visits to this website are arranged through popups and imply no agreement, nothing to say of choice, of users. This warning rather refers to those readers who have never visited this website and now are considering if it is worth visiting. 
Have no doubt that you have got a hijacker infection, if is your frequent destination when you open your  browser, unless it is just a start page, for such start page might have resulted from your visit to this and related pages without introduction of the hijacker.
Well then, remove threat, if you are bored to have a detailed explanation of the particular infections constituting it. Click here to get rid of related infections (Antivirus 8) and other parasites upon completing free scan.
Such infections include the following programs, which may act separately or in combination: browser hijacker that forces web-browser to open this and other websites praising features of programs, which are total counterfeits; adware available at the website, both its trial and registered editions; other infections related to the two former. screenshot: removal tool:

Remove Antivirus Studio Agent as a Popup of Great Vitality

Antivirus Studio Agent is a popup that often remains after Antivirus Studio 2010 removal. It is known as the most viable alert generated by the adware. It tells users  they need to refresh database of threats as it has  become out of date. Since the adware has no database at all and is not to going to provide it, you just need to get rid of  Antivirus Studio Agent popup. This popup is also shown as a part of general advertisement of the rogue antispyware and may be inherited by other fake security software. Click here to uninstall adware in charge of this popup and destroy it completely with due safety precautions.

Antivirus Studio Agent
The antivirus database has become outdated and should be updated now. Click on this message to receive the latest antivirus updates.
Program is infected with virus Generic Dropper.js. Continue running this program may be dangerous to your computer and personal data. Running this program can lead to permanent data loss and program instability. Would you like to disinfect this program with antivirus?
Antivirus Studio Agent screenshot:

Screenshot from

Antivirus Studio Agent removal tool:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Remove System Tool (SystemTool) and Other Infections for Real

Trojans applied by hackers to download another trojan that calls itself System Tool (SystemTool) could be good scanners for system vulnerabilities as they detect them promptly. The detected fawns are used to backdoor introduction purposes. The adware  in question is one of the programs uploaded in such  a nice way. In its turn, System Tool that pretends to be a free scanner, fails to detect any infection or security issue. Why then dozens of threats are reported to users as detected by this program?  Well, that is quite clear as the design of rascals spreading this program is to make users believe that the program is a working and effective remedy against viruses and other computer problems. It is quite clear, too, that System Tool removal is needed, for the rogue generates deceptive scan reports without any search for viruses eluding exceeding efforts that require development of virus scanner and remover. In the meantime, the rogue tries to detect and disable genuine security software to prevent its deletion. Click here to run free scan and get rid of System Tool by the program that, unlike the fake antispyware, detects and removes infections for real.

System Tool screenshot:

System Tool removal tool:

System Tool manual removal guide:
Delete System Tool  files:
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\\
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\\
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\\.exe
Delete System Tool  registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce “

Friday, October 22, 2010

Remove Rogue:Win32/FakePAV to Eliminate Notorious Misleading Popup

Those keeping track of malware development and familiar with recent fake antispyware releases are undoubtedly well aware of fake  Microsoft Security Essentials  alert. This alert is generated by trojan. Actually, the trojan displays a set of interactive alerts. The endpoint is an installation wizard for one of the following rogue and fake antispyware:

Major Defense Kit
Red Cross Antivirus
AntiSpy Safeguard
Peak Protection 2010
Pest Detector 4.1

The trojan is referred to as Rogue:Win32/FakePAV. It has several modifications. Rogue:Win32/FakePAV removal is to be performed together with  related fake antispyware, if the counterfeit is installed as the trojan’s popups suggest. In addition to the above five fake antivirus tools the trojan has recently been found to promote ThinkPoint adware. Click here to get rid of   Rogue:Win32/FakePAV and related adware as necessary.

Rogue:Win32/FakePAV removal tool:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Haz The Drowning Rat? - PulledPork 0.5.0 is now floating!

This release of PulledPork (The Drowning Rat) represents quite a bit of development to include a number of community requested capabilities, change a few around, and repair some bugs!  Again, I would like to thank the community for their support, contribution and use of the PulledPork Snort rule management system.  The next section is an excerpt from the README.CHANGES and below there I may discuss some example use-cases and include some sample output.

PulledPork Changelog


New Features / changes:
- Automatic VRT tarball name determination (based on local Snort Version)
- Full support for ET Pro rulesets
- Full support for new ET Download scheme
- Issue #27 Modifysid capability
- Capability to retrieve multiple rulesets in a single run
- Issue #24 Added verbose output showing all requests, results and urls
- Verbose output now shows percentage bar for downloads
- Extra Verbose output now shows additional HTTP debug!
- Set value in default.conf file to https for VRT downloads
- Set UA Value to (PulledPork/X.X.X)
- Capability to log critical information to syslog
- Grabonly option, for those that only want to download the tarball(s)
- Issue #34 Added the capability to specify the order of disable / enable / drop
    using the state_order configuration option in the master config file
- Added a contrib directory
- Added to contrib directory
    * converts oinkmaster config files to PP config files
    * Thx Russell Fulton!
- Added README.CONTRIB to track contrib files (ohai manifest)
- Perl Modue Requirement Changes (SEE SECTION BELOW)
- Issue #38 Added capability to extract reference docs from tarball and
    store in a defined path, NOTE this dramatically increases PP runtime
    * runtime value is -r

Bug Fixes:
- Should now correctly use environmentally set proxy settings
    * Shout to pkthound for his work and contribution here!
- Fixed case where rules with multiple flowbit (un)?set values would not
    properly populate all of the flowbit values into the rules hash
- Bug #29 - fixed to allow for proper generation
- Bug #28 - fixed numerous spellification issues
- Bug #32 - fixed to allow for so stub generation in nodownload and !nodownload case

Perl Module Requriement Changes:
- LWP::Simple no longer
- LWP::UserAgent now required
- HTTP::Request now required
- HTTP::Status now required
- SYS::Syslog now required
- Crypt::SSLeay now required
- Carp now required

As you can see, and as I had indicated, there are a number of significant improvements and fixes.  It is important to note that there are a number of changes, that include new and changed options, to the master config and the addition of the modifysid.conf file that allows you to modify rules based on regular expression matches etc...

Of course we also now fully support (ET Pro and the new ET open) rules and the capability to download multiple rulesets in a single run, rather than multiple config files referencing other .rules files as local rules etc...

One other seemingly insignificant change is the capability to change the order that the rules modification routines run, this means that you can more granularly control rule state.  The default processing order is (enable, drop, disable), this can now be changed though to allow for the disabling of all rules in a specific category (or however you would do it) and then selectively enabling rules out of that category, by simply changing the run order to disable,drop,enable.  Of course combining this with the pcre, category, modifysid etc.. capabilities gives you quite a bit of versatility.

So, without further adeau, I give you:
      _____ ____
     `----,\    )
      `--==\\  /    PulledPork v0.5.0 The Drowning Rat
     .-~~~~-.Y|\\_  Copyright (C) 2009-2010 JJ Cummings
  @_/        /  66\_
    |    \   \   _(")
     \   /-| ||'--'  Rules give me wings!
      \_\  \_\\

Checking latest MD5 for snortrules-snapshot-2861.tar.gz....
    They Match
Prepping rules from snortrules-snapshot-2861.tar.gz for work....
Checking latest MD5 for etpro.rules.tar.gz....
    They Match
Prepping rules from etpro.rules.tar.gz for work....
Checking latest MD5 for emerging.rules.tar.gz....
    They Match
Prepping rules from emerging.rules.tar.gz for work....
Reading rules...
Reading rules...
Activating security rulesets....
Setting Flowbit State....
    Enabled 264 flowbits
    Enabled 29 flowbits
    Enabled 4 flowbits
    Enabled 2 flowbits
Writing /home/jj/snort.rules....
Writing /home/jj/
Writing /home/jj/sid_changes.log....
Rule Stats....
    Enabled Rules:----4506
    Dropped Rules:----0
    Disabled Rules:---17797
    Total Rules:------22303
Please review /var/log/sid_changes.log for additional details
Fly Piggy Fly!
Bah, Paste chopped my flying pig up ;-)

Get it here:
pulledpork-0.5.0.tar.gz latest hashes:
MD5SUM = 60c0abe78945876c643760b3bb2afdb6
SHA256 = 9e69873d737e4fc8dfd9b3a98316e4ff41bd8c4accda72f18036b96568c48872


Remove in General

Among many ways leading users to Antivirus Action fake antispyware infection, this website is considered to be one of the most efficient routes for the adware infiltration. The program advertised at this website is classified, according to different systems of classification, as adware, rogue  and fake antispyware, and trojan. The last general name hints at the way the rogue has been uploaded, that is, it may be uploaded as a trojan. If it is uploaded via, it is not a trojan. This way of the infection introduction is based on seemingly deliberate download and installation of the unwanted software. Users  usually decide so   thanks to the efforts of a browser infection, which links their browser to whenever it wants. The hijacker also slows down computer systems. To get rid of hijacker, click here to start free scan in order to detect other related infections, as well as unrelated threats. Related infections removal is a removal of in general to cover any related parasites. screenshot: removal tool:


Tuesday, October 19, 2010 hijacker removal

Get rid of browser hijacker thet promote Antivirus Action rogue security aplication. Use free scan removal tool (Spyware Doctor) to delete this annoying and dangerous threat. This powerfull antispyware solution will remove hijacker using safe and fast method. screenshot: removal tool:


Remove Threat or Prove This Was but a Casual Visit

The adware that you see promoted at this website is not just available in paid and trial editions there: it is also promoted at That is quite understood that any product which has its own website is advertised through it, but there is a big difference between websites that promote legit  products and those pushing scamware (Antivirus Action), because the latter category  usually enjoys a support of browser helper objects. That is, experts would recommend you to get rid of in case you have ever visited this website, for they are well aware of the possibility of hijacker infection in case of websites suggesting to get a counterfeit. However, exceptions may occur and they are perhaps quite often to state that you cannot be sure that your visits to are the after-effect of harmful agent introduced into your web-browser and not a result of your web-surfing. Click here to see why your browser has opened this page and perform removal of related threats as found by the free scanner. screenshot: removal tool:


Monday, October 18, 2010

Remove ThinkPoint and Think of Real Issues

In order to delete trojan or resolve other issue, Microsoft Security Essentials Alert encourages users to try several dozens of tools as free online scanners.  Once the scan is over, users figure out that there are only few that can help them to resolve the security issues and can detect the threat found by the tool provided by Windows. Among them there is ThinkPoint (Think Point). Until this moment, it is just enough to delete the trojan and ThinkPoint removal will not be required. If the download is performed, the adware will find the way to self-install or you will constantly receive its installation requests. This is another point for preliminary threat elimination. Even not yet installed, the program applies several tricks to elude deletion.  Naturally the sooner you get rid f the parasite, the better.
Once the installation is complete, it starts with dozens of threat, attack and virus report. Its scan reflects numerous issues, but none of them is a real one. Click here to get rid of ThinkPoint at the earliest possible stage of the trickery development.

ThinkPoint screenshot:

ThinkPoint removal tool:

ThinkPoint manual removal guide:
Delete ThinkPoint files:
Delete ThinkPoint registry entries:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “tmp”
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce “SelfdelNT”
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon “Shell” = “%LocAppData%\hotfix.exe”

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Remove Content and Agent

Unsafe website is not necessarily the one that contains malicious scripts. It may just be intrusive and promote unsafe or misleading content. provides content which is both misleading and not safe.
The greatest portion of the website visitors is collected by browser hijacker. This infection has a mission to execute routine page appearance in the browser. Removal of is one of the possible tasks for antispyware when dealing with this website.
In order to get rid of related threats (Antivirus Action), click here to launch free scan by antispyware able to fix the issue. screenshot: removal tool:


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Remove AntiVirus Solution 2010 to get better perfomance

It might be hard to stand offers and suggestions of online alerts by AntiVirus Solution 2010  (AntiVirusSolution 2010) scanner and simply to close the page dedicated to the program. The point is that hackers apply dodges to misplace interactive buttons. In tact, users get web-pages to deal with posed as a set of dialog windows. Clicking approving or rejecting buttons is interpreted by browser as a command to open new web-page. Some users go this way to the end and learn that it makes no difference what to click. That is, when real dialog box asks if they want to get the program downloaded, they often click yes. The first thing uploaded is a trojan-downloader. If the download is terminated, the trojan will complete it in a shadowed mode.
Other introduction workflows are based on spam and introduction of the uploading agents other than above trojan and in other manners.
Needless to say, AntiVirus Solution 2010 removal is to be performed, for the program uploaded in such way is unlikely to make your PC any better. Once on board, it loads dozens of chromes that warn users of various issues. In reality there are no scan and prevention of infections reported by the program. It is another case of rogue antispyware that simulates scanning and infection containing. 
In order to get rid of AntiVirus Solution 2010 and any other unwanted entries as detected by free scanner, click here.

AntiVirus Solution 2010 screenshot:

AntiVirus Solution 2010 removal tool:

AntiVirus Solution 2010 manual removal guide:
Delete AntiVirus Solution 2010 files:
%UserProfile%\Application Data\AntiVirus Solution 2010\
%UserProfile%\Application Data\AntiVirus Solution 2010\AntiVirus_Solution_2010.exe
%UserProfile%\Application Data\AntiVirus Solution 2010\securitycenter.exe
%UserProfile%\Application Data\AntiVirus Solution 2010\securityhelper.exe
%UserProfile%\Application Data\AntiVirus Solution 2010\taskmgr.dll
%UserProfile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\AntiVirus Solution 2010.lnk
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\AntiVirus Solution 2010.lnk
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\AntiVirus Solution 2010\
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\AntiVirus Solution 2010\Activate AntiVirus Solution 2010.lnk
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\AntiVirus Solution 2010\AntiVirus Solution 2010.lnk
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\AntiVirus Solution 2010\Help AntiVirus Solution 2010.lnk
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\AntiVirus Solution 2010\How to Activate AntiVirus Solution 2010.lnk
Delete AntiVirus Solution 2010 registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AntiVirus Solution 2010
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AntiVirus Solution 2010
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "2kowmeuswvw3"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "AntiVirus Solution 2010"

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Remove Trojan.Win32.Qhost.nrg That Blocks Dozens of Website

Trojan.Win32.Qhost.nrg is a typical case of web-redirector. The trojan is used to intercept open requests for up to 100 websites, among which many popular Russian websites and such worldwide web-giants as and
Hackers specify address to which the request is redirected. It may vary subject to the originally requested page.
Removal of Trojan.Win32.Qhost.nrg is deletion of files created by the trojan by modifying copies of original hosts file in system directory. Click here to apply professional software and get rid of Trojan.Win32.Qhost.nrg excluding system files corruption risk. 

Trojan.Win32.Qhost.nrg  removal tool:

Remove Identity Theft Attempt Warning as Just another Popup by Fake Antispyware

There are several warnings from fake antispyware of Smart Engine and Virus Doctor family shown prior to heavy load of its nag screens. Evidently, hackers avoid early disclosure of the product name hiding their counterfeit behind alerts wrapped in skins of striking resemblance to Windows chromes.
In many instances, the same warning is shown recurrently. This warning notifies of identity theft attempt providing such details as hidden connection IP and user’s IP. User’s IP is not actually detected so that the warning presents wrong IP.
The warning is often shown for considerable period. It is a natural response of user to such alerting that he is looking got the way to get rid of Identity Theft Attempt Warning.
Click here to perform the removal of Identity Theft Attempt Warning popup as a part of spyware removal. 

Identity Theft Attempt Warning message:

Warning! Identity theft attempt detected
Hidden connection IP:
Security Risk: 4/5
Target: Microsoft Corporation keys
Your IP: ***
Identity Theft Attempt Warning screenshot:

Identity Theft Attempt Warning removal tool:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Remove Infections Which Force Browser to Open This Page

Web-browser opens this page because of the following reasons:
1. It is a tactic of subtle fake antivirus (AntivirusAction) to advertise itself  online without any nag screens and alerts shown until predefining date, though it could have started with them at once. Hence the website is opened by the rogue antispyware it suggests to upload. Get rid of related adware in this case to set your browser free from the duty to show this website on request of the infection.
 2. This website is supported by several interrelated browser hijackers. They also support other websites. The aim of redirection is either that users buy licensed badware or infect the computer with annoying trialware, which the infection is specified in the paragraph above.
3. Casual downloads of this page by web-browser are only partly casual, for this website is intrusively advertised at third party websites, by spam and flood.
In order to perform the removal of related parasites, to which both the fake antispyware and hijackers belong, as well as to ensure overall cleaning of your PC,  click here to start free scan. screenshot: removal tool:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Remove System Defragmenter as a System Error

System Defragmenter (SystemDefragmenter) is error itself that infects other programs. The program pretends to analyze system performance and stability. The reality is that when the program states e.g., that exe file is infected and cannot run, it is not an analytical conclusion. System Defragmenter knows that as failure of relevant program to run is a result of its efforts. In s a similar way, it hides from users hard drive stating that it is a critical error that the hard drive cannot be found. If you get rid of System Defragmenter, you will find all files and folders and directories you need.
In order to detect real errors, click here to start free scan and perform System Defragmenter removal, as well as other errors detected.

System Defragmenter screenshot:

System Defragmenter removal tool:

System Defragmenter manual removal guide:
Delete System Defragmenter files:
%UserProfile%\Desktop\System Defragmenter.lnk
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\System Defragmenter
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\System Defragmenter\System Defragmenter.lnk
Delete System Defragmenter registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ""
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "exe.exe"

Monday, October 11, 2010

Remove Adload_r.AKO Trojan in spite of Its Survival Attempts

Get rid of Adload_r.AKO trojan as it is injected to manipulate Google, Yahoo etc. search results for users operating infected machine.   The infection is extremely viable being able to self-launch even in Safe Mode and survive even after its extermination reported. It also tries to establish a connection with remote server receiving updates adding to its payload or ability to avoid detection and resist deletion.
Click here to run free scan with reliable tool performing safe and complete Adload_r.AKO trojan.

Adload_r.AKO remover:

Remove My Computer Online Scan Popup or Make Sure It Is but a Casual Redirection

My Computer Online Scan popup is a title for popup that pretends to be My Computer folder scan window. It would be a scan window, if there was any scan, but that was just another online fraud.  This popup has been reported by many users who stumbled upon it browsing the web. Practicing unsafe browsing is not the prerequisite to face this window. In many instances, quite renowned websites due to the efforts of hackers redirect users to online scanner like this.
If it has been a casual redirection, closing browser window is just enough to get rid of My Computer Online Virus Scan Popup. In other instances, there is a hijacker or fake antispyware that re-routes browser to this page. There are plenty of tricky programs advertised in this way. Click here to perform the removal of My Computer Online Virus Scan Popup meaning the removal of related infections.

My Computer Online Scan popup screenshot:

My Computer Online Scan popup removal tool:

Remove Antivirus Action (AntivirusAction) that obtains excessive authorities by fraud

Antivirus Action (AntivirusAction) is a piece of rogue antispyware that obtains authorities necessary to interrupt other software. This is in addition to inconvenience caused by endless flow of its popups, some of which explain the program interruptions occurred.  In reality, it is the very rogue that is to be blamed for other programs termination, which it explains referring to the issues it allegedly detects. 
Get rid of Antivirus Action that belongs to rogue antispyware of Security Suite family. Its visual differences from Security Suite are not essential and rather limited to colors used.
Click this free scan link to ensure Antivirus Action removal that covers every component of the threat and related infections.

Antivirus Action screenshots:

Antivirus Action remover download:

Antivirus Action manual removal guide:
Delete Antivirus Action files:
Delete Antivirus Action registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PhishingFilter "Enabled" = "0"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings "ProxyOverride" = ""
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings "ProxyServer" = "http="
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings "ProxyEnable" = "1"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "agnz.exe"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "agnz.exe

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Smart Engine (SmartEngine) Removal Information

Because of this infection in particular, web-surfing may lead to system contamination with trojans and adware programs. The trojans are exploited to further introduction of internal advertiser of Smart Engine (SmartEngine). There is also an external advertiser that consists of online animation impersonating system inspection and website posed as the software’s home-page. Properly speaking,  any program is an internal advertiser for Smart Engine, if it shows its ads directly or indirectly – forcing   web-browser to open online advertisement.
The most popular subject of users’ abuses is a trialware. Users report it annoying and state their Smart Engine removal attempts failed. Indeed, the program is quite annoying and makes false statements on the threats it allegedly detects. However, when you try to uninstall   it, you may find no such entry in the list of program installed or removal of relevant entry does not provide the rogue antispyware removal.
Click this link to get rid of Smart Engine in a proper way giving no chance to escape removal for this and other parasites. 

Smart Engine screenshot:

Smart Engine removal tool:

Smart Engine manual removal guide:
Delete Smart Engine files:
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ae01cc\
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ae01cc\SMESys
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\SMIFGKMPDQE
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ae01cc\61.mof
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ae01cc\ae01cc42668ec8a22e4d0493aabb97d8.ocx
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ae01cc\mozcrt19.dll
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ae01cc\SMae0_2129.exe
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ae01cc\SME.ico
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ae01cc\sqlite3.dll
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ae01cc\Quarantine Items\
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\SMIFGKMPDQE\
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\SMIFGKMPDQE\SMTKWKE.cfg
%UserProfile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Smart Engine.lnk
%UserProfile%\Application Data\Smart Engine
%UserProfile%\Application Data\Smart Engine\cookies.sqlite
%UserProfile%\Desktop\Smart Engine.lnk
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Smart Engine.lnk
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Smart Engine.lnk
Delete Smart Engine registry entries:
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes "URL" = "{searchTerms}"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes "URL" = "{searchTerms}"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer "PRS" = ""
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download "RunInvalidSignatures = "1"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings "ProxyServer" = "http="
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\Post Platform "Version/10.02129"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer "DisallowRun" = "1"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Smart Engine"
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes "URL" = "{searchTerms}"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download "CheckExeSignatures" = "no"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings "ProxyEnable" = "1"

Friday, October 8, 2010

Remove Generic Obfuscated.g Protecting Your PC and Networks It Belongs to

The detection designates backdoor computer infection that threatens both infected system and network that contains the infected machine. The adware creates a number of executable files in temporary folder and dll files in system folder. Hackers who released and developed the infection are likely to represent Chinese web-rascals.
Get rid of Generic Obfuscated.g, no matter that its malicious functionality is yet to be studied. Beyond any doubt, it is malicious enough for its deletion. Get reliable tool for Generic Obfuscated.g  removal here.

Generic Obfuscated.g removal tool: